Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Greetings my soon to be millions, no, billions of fans. Today I return to the world of blogging about my life. I used to have a xanga and I got tired of it but after 4 years it seems like the right time to come back I guess. This blog will be cooler and edgier than the older one though because I have become cooler and edgier over the years as many should attest to. This blog might also be less in depth than the other one to prevent readers from asking me "why are you so much more interesting on your blog than in person?" (If such readers are reading this right now then know that I hate you! JK) I will leave some parts of my life and some events in my life a mystery so you can still ask me "how are you doing?" or "what has been going on in your life?" when you see me. But don't worry, I aim to please.

Anywho, I should acknowledge some people. Thanks Anthony, Christine for being all crazy about blogging again, perhaps it is infectious. Also thanks to Ashley whose tumblr is really cool; you don't know this yet but I am going to blatantly plagiarize your style of blog entries haha. I hope that is ok.....................I technically am giving you credit with this shout out so maybe it isn't plagiarism. That is all, peace.
