Sunday, August 16, 2009

For my IV friends

Does this singer look familiar? HAHAHA. Thanks Derek for showing me.

*for those who need more help:*

ADD-ON: So apparently this has been more of a struggle than anticipated. The lead singer is Jen Hollingsworth, as in our regional director. Jen Hollingsworth everybody. Look at the wikipedia article to confirm.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cleaning supplies are my crack.

I got so much Febreeze today at target that my roommates and I are going to have severe brain damage this coming year. But at least our apartment will not smell like crap. YES!!!!!!! Great success. We're going to have so much fun cleaning for the start of school. And by "we" I mean "me" and by "fun" I mean "less disgust at the state of my dirty apartment". Actually it isn't too bad but there is a yearning in my loins for a fresh, clean start to the new year with a fresh, clean apartment. A DEEP YEARNING.

Speaking of new school year I am excited. Things I look forward to include:
1. Meeting the freshmen and starting Unit 3 small group over again
2. Seeing everyone again and asking about their summers
3. School (Hehe my emphasis in MCB allows me to take non-MCB classes for electives. Easier curve, here I come. Great success again)
4. Urbana in December

Things I look not forward to are as follows:
1. Potentially creeping out aforementioned freshmen as we being meeting them during welcome week
2. Studying for MCATS (well this technically has already started but the reeeeeeeeal studying is going to start during this semester)

Upon retrospection, these lists are actually quite small. There must've been other things.......don't remember.

I went to farmer's market today. How random. I want to basically eat everything at farmer's market. Except for the Orchids, I don't think I can eat them. Oh and I also don't want to eat the farmers; I don't roll that way. My parents have a current obsession for orchids so they bought another one today. I really like orchids too, they look like monsters when viewed from the front and with vivid imagination. On the way home my dad proceeded to tell me a lot of stuff about orchids. For someone who knows so much about orchids, why does he keep inadvertently killing them? I wonder.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Buzzing 207

Thanks to the wonders of Google Voice, I never have to walk down to get someone from the gate :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just type in our apartment number 207 in the number pad at our gate whenever you need to visit us.



Hello World. Sorry for not blogging in awhile. But dry those tears and cease that lamenting, I am back *signal fanfare*.

So to summarize my past two weeks, I have invented a new word! It is "blarg". Blarg [pronounced "Blщябrg".........jk I just made that up kakaka] is an onomatopoeia of sorts that signifies frustration. It is actually pronounced like "arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" such as pirates would do but with a "g" at the end and a "bl" at the beginning. Used in a sentence it reads: "Blarg!" I use this word to describe my last two weeks because they have been very.............frustrating. It hasn't actually been a bad past few days but I feel like time is passing me by. There are too many things to do, too many people to meet up with/that I want to meet up with, and too many problems in life. To add to that: lab work, which I am technically suppose to only do 25 hours of, ends up taking up more like 40hrs a week (though I really enjoy it) and MCAT studying is pounding at my proverbial door. But God is good and with His help I have been tackling the crazy a little at a time. And amidst the crazy there has been really good times of hangouts, discipleship, spending time with undergrads at my lab, and learning.

Wanna know something random? Yesterday my friend Kimmy and I gave a tour to a group of 30 Hong Kong girls visiting America. Random indeed. But it was cool and pretty fun. We volunteered to give the tour by responding to an email sent to the InterVarsity email list. I like meeting with my peoplez (I was born in Hong Kong). The only awkward thing was that we were giving tours at the same time as the actual tour guides and I had like 10x less knowledge than them haha. But they've never been to Berkeley and most will not come back so they will never know how crappy our tour was. Haha jk it wasn't too bad.

What else, what else? Oh! Sorry to steal your thunder Lily, but in response to my previous posting it was great success. Ok, that is all. Wait, I lie. One more thing: great verses I came upon----->Jeremiah 32:36-41